Zooming in on Success

June 9, 2024
The week before last was exciting and scary in equal measure. I received an email saying that two of my three entries in the Wildfire-Words Flash Fiction 150 contest had been longlisted, then I received another congratulating me on winning second place, and inviting me to a showcase on Zoom of all the longlisted and winning entries.
When I'd come down from the ceiling, the reality of having to read out my entries and get to grips with unfamiliar technology hit me. My only previous experience with Zoom was to attend a couple of adult learning classes as an observer during lockdown back in 2020/21, and then my husband had to set it up for me. I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to connect properly, so I recorded my entries and emailed them in advance–something else I had never done on my computer before.
As things turned out, I was worrying over nothing. The technological skill required in both cases was no more than a couple of clicks of the mouse. To think I'd almost backed out! My advice is not to be put off when faced with something new: the anxiety is nearly always unfounded.
If I had chickened out, I would have missed an evening listening to some really intriguing and beautiful work. I learned from how the other authors delivered their work, and gathered inspiration from their creativity. I also learned that it's unwise to have a cat in the same room when you're in a Zoom meeting, if you don't want it to distract you by waving its tail in your face and climbing all over you. Well done to the writer who managed to carry on regardless!
Since then, I've been to a meeting of Get the Word Out, the local group for writers of all kinds of work from non-fiction and memoir to poetry and novels. Everyone can take along something to read if they wish. I'm always encouraged by the constructive comments. Writers often get rejections, sometimes they get praise, but what really helps them develop as writers is feedback, advice and shared experience.
To my fellow GTWO members, the organisers of Wildfire-Words Flash Fiction 150 and to you, I'd like to say thank-you for all your support.
If you'd like to read or listen to the Wildfire-Words Flash Fiction 150 top entries, click here.

Syntaxing the Brain

May 22, 2024
Would you expect to become a top concert pianist if you never practised your scales? If you didn't practise your serve, would you expect to win Wimbledon? The building blocks underpinning any skill might be difficult and repetitive to learn, but they are essential if you want to be the best. Initially, it can seem that they are holding you back, and stifling your creativity and flair, but if you practise enough, the basics become second-nature, and you get them right without even having to th...
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No Rhyme, No Reason

April 22, 2024
I always knew there were two camps when it came to poetry. Some people feel that unless it has an obvious rhyme, it isn't a proper poem. Inexact rhymes, they feel, are cheating. Others enjoy the combination of concepts with rhythms and singular language in free verse. If you want to start a debate between them ask whether William Carlos Williams's 'This is Just to Say' is really a poem. In my opinion it is, because of the way it makes you appreciate the sound of the words and the feel of them...
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A Literary Legacy

April 15, 2024
With everything bursting into life outside, I've been tackling some long overdue tidying indoors before the garden demands my attention. One of the cupboards whose contents jump out at me every time I open the door, is the one where I store all my manuscripts–well, most of them.
I started to sort it out last year, but apart from discarding some manuscripts of stories that I've subsequently changed, and making sure I had hard copies of everything, that was as far as I got. The fact is, I hav...
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The Fun Begins

March 18, 2024
Last Friday was a first for me. I attended the initial reading by Theze Guyz of my one-act play, Tea Party of the Gods. It was a real pleasure to be there at the start of the play's first production.
Theze Guyz are an amateur company set up to give everyone, no matter their abilities or experience, a chance to perform. This year is the company's 21st anniversary, and they're planning to mark it with three performances of three plays. I'm honoured to have been asked to supply one of them.
Tea ...
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Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

March 3, 2024
A new edition of Artists & Liars is now out with three extra pieces. And that's not all: it's also now available in paperback with illustrations by yours truly. You'll find three poems, two flash stories and nine short stories about the art world from every angle, including clumsy cleaners, bashful models, and self-centred divas.
I'm still very involved in the art world both professionally and socially, so in a few years' time Artists & Liars might get even fatter–or maybe I'll have enough ...
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Alias, Alas

February 6, 2024
Writing competitions ask writers not to put their name on their manuscripts, so there can be no question of the judges being influenced by their identity. Most writers would dearly love to be so well-known! Competitions aside, there is a school of thought that if you're proud of your work, you should stick to using your real name and not a pseudonym–not least because you want any royalty cheque to be accepted by your bank–but there are many instances when a writer might choose to use a pe...
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Here I Go Again!

January 26, 2024
It started out as a nice easy task that might take an afternoon. All I had to do was upload Artists & Liars to print format, adjust the digital cover and bish, bash, bosh–I'd have a paperback to satisfy the friends who have been asking me for another book. That was the plan.
The trouble is, once I'd formatted the text, I decided it could do with some illustrations. One image for each story meant drawing, scanning and formatting nine illustrations, which was a little beyond my comfort zone. ...
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Plans and the Unexpected

December 19, 2023
Was it John Lennon who said that life is what happens while you're making plans for something else? Whoever said it, they were right. This has been brought home to me particularly strongly in the past weeks, in both my personal and my writing life.
For the past month or so I've been working on a few long-held projects. The first is to design business cards, bookmarks and postcards to help promote my books, provide something interesting for readers to collect and to make me look more professio...
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Ready, Steady, Read!

December 2, 2023
Is there a writer on the planet who isn't an avid reader? That might be why the recent Northampton Book Group's 'picnic' was attended by so many writers. They weren't there to plug their work although, naturally, they mentioned it, but predominantly they were there for their love of books.
We chatted about what we'd been reading recently, favourite authors and genres, and what started us reading, as well as swapping books and trying new genres. What was obvious was the pleasure reading brings...
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About Me

My writing career began as a freelance feature writer for the local press, businesses and organisations. Now a prize-winning playwright and short story writer, my work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Atlantic. I write as K. S. Dearsley because it saves having to keep repeating my forename, and specialise in fantasy and other speculative genres.

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