Browsing Archive: December, 2021

Hit the Ground Running

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Sunday, December 26, 2021, In : Competitions 
This is the time of year when submission calls and competition deadlines can be thin on the ground. Editors and contest organisers deserve a break too! It gives writers a chance to look about them and gather some ideas for all the opportunities that are coming up in January. Here's a round-up of a few.
Playwrights should get writing now if they want to send work to the next BBC Script Room call. They're looking for stage, television, film or radio scripts at least 30 minutes long. You'll have...
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Getting Away from It All

Posted by K. S. Dearsley on Saturday, December 18, 2021, In : Coming Soon 
I don't have a secret door to a fantasy world in the back of my wardrobe, nor can I flip open my phone and ask Scotty to beam me up, but I shall be running away for Christmas. There will be no last minute rush to the shops, nor any family arguments about which old film to watch on TV. I shall be in my own world, or more likely, a someone else's world.
If I'm not scribbling notes and ideas for my own writing, I shall have my nose in a book or two. There will be no shortage of choice as the Sma...
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About Me

My writing career began as a freelance feature writer for the local press, businesses and organisations. Now a prize-winning playwright and short story writer, my work has appeared in numerous publications on both sides of the Atlantic. I write as K. S. Dearsley because it saves having to keep repeating my forename, and specialise in fantasy and other speculative genres.

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