It's Wednesday again. How did that happen? The world feels as if it's spinning around faster than ever. I delayed putting up a blog last week, thinking I'd leave it a day to get the revamp of the website finished, and here we are more than a week later with it still not ready.
    I blame it on all the links. I've been checking every one to make sure they're still operating and which pieces of work are still available. It's rather like sorting through old magazines to see which ones can go out for recycling. Inevitably, I've found myself browsing through the pages and being distracted by stories and intriguing and/or useful articles. It's enjoyable, but time consuming. Anyway, I'm making progress now, so providing I don't make a hash of the technological side of things (which is all too possible) I should have a nice fresh website to present soon. Or at least, it will feel like soon to me.
    What I want to know is: if time really is elastic, how come it's always shortest when you need it most? Surely it ought to be that the more you cram into a minute, the longer that minute seems, not that it zips by in a flash. One for the SF writers perhaps.