If I wanted to watch a film that was the absolute opposite of Gravity, I found it in Philomena. There was not a 3D effect or explosion in the whole thing. What it did have were some fine performances and annoying reactions from the audience.
The problem was that many people clearly thought anything Steve Coogan says has to be funny. He not only appeared in the film but also wrote the script, which did have some witty lines and light moments. However, some people were clearly expecting Philomena to be like Mrs. Brown's Boys, and guffawed at the character, Philomena, because of how she put things, although what she was talking about was not funny at all. In fact, much of the story was heartbreaking, and the truly comic moments made them even more poignant.
Ultimately, Philomena is a feelgood movie that didn't come up with many surprises. My lasting impression is how hard it is for performers to change their spots if the audience is determined to keep them pigeon-holed. At least authors can use pseudonyms if they want to break out of their genre.