I really hate doing it, but I've just had to withdraw one of my stories from an anthology. It was highly commended in a competition and the organisers asked me in 2011 if they could print it in a winners' anthology in the near future. Of course, I jumped at the chance and sent the bio they asked for straight away. After around a year I contacted them to find out what was happening, and was assured that the anthology had been delayed in order to include the 2012 winners, but that it would be published soon. That was one year and four months ago, since when I've heard zilch. 
I'm not whining, really, I'm not. I understand that things change and sometimes when plans are altered things get forgotten. It just goes against the grain to pull a story out of a publication, even if it is pretty obvious that that publication is never going to happen. Somehow, I feel as if I'm the one, who's letting them down.
On the plus side, I now have another story to send out to unsuspecting publishers.