As a writer, I'm an expert at procrastinating. However much I would like to have written something, pinning myself down to actually get the words on the page can seem practically impossible. After all, the cupboard under the sink needs sorting out; there might be a documentary on the radio that would be useful for research, and I need another cup of coffee before I get started... 
This week there's another reason not to pick up my pencil, namely Smashwords Read an Ebook Week sale. I could spend the whole week browsing the hundreds of free and discounted novels by indie authors. Do I go for genres and authors I'm already familiar with, or try something or someone completely new? Reading blurbs and samples will help to narrow the choice, but let's face it, if the novels are free, I'm not going to be risking anything by taking pot luck.
Choosing the books is only the start, of course. Reading them will then jump to the top of the to-do-before-I-start-writing list. However, no one has ever been much of a writer unless they were also a reader. After I've reached 'the end' I shall start writing, because that will be the time for reviews. They're a way of showing appreciation for all the effort and angst that authors put into producing their books. I shan't be doing that just yet though. First, I want to finish Twelve All in Dread: The Twelfth Witch and Other Stories by Juliana Rew that I'm really enjoying. Review to follow!
To compensate for the delay, I've made Discord's Child and Artists & Liars FREE in the Smashwords sale. You'll find them at