I've said this before, I know, but the anthology with my SF story, 'The Adult Prodigy', in it is about to be published. I've finally been given a launch date of 18th November, so it looks as if patience really does pay off.
The anthology is called Dark Horses and features stories by local authors and Arts Lab members from around the UK, including the renowned Alan Moore. It's been put together by Donna Scott, whose story, 'Smiley Wakes Up', also appears. I've already read all the stories. They cover a wide spectrum of the SF genre, and there isn't a dud amongst them. There's a foreword by Robin Ince, the cover is by Scott Jeffery and you'll be able to possess all of this for £12.99. As soon as I know the stockists I'll let you know.
It will be great to actually hold a copy, and even better to meet my fellow authors at the launch. We'll certainly have something to celebrate.
Meanwhile, here's a preview of the cover to be going on with.