Marketing my novel, Discord's Child, has had some unexpected side effects.  When I first set up this blog and website, and joined Twitter and Facebook, it was because a prospective publisher had asked about my 'online presence'.  At that time I didn't have one.  I'm not sure that any of these things have gained me readers, but they have brought me other things.
I have found work writing copy for web designers and various businesses via Facebook.  Getting my cover contest in Network Arts' newsletter has brought proof-reading work and reconnected me with former colleagues.  My attempt to boost novel sales by handing out flyers at Duston Players' latest production resulted in an invitation to speak at a readers' group. 
Of course, I accepted immediately, even though I've never done anything like it before, and only thought to ask questions afterwards, such as what might be expected of me.  I'd assumed that the group would be adults, instead they're mostly 12 and 13-year-olds.  I can just about remember being that age.  I'm not sure how many of them there'll be either.  Gulp!  At least I might be building a fanbase for the future, and I'm sure it'll be fun really–won't it?