I can think of 10 good reasons to read issue eight of Fantasy Scroll Magazine–make that 11.
    The magazine contains 10 speculative short stories, including my own offering 'Haze' about how first contact with mankind could be the beginning of the end for a planet's inhabitants. The other stories vary from futuristic tech-based SF to dark fantasy. The one thing they have in common is being irresistible. Once you start reading, you can't stop. You'll find believable characters struggling with dilemmas we can all identify with in strange situations that make you wonder what you would have done. The fictitious worlds are richly imagined and make you want to know more.
    'The Light Comes' by Tony Peak is my favourite. It concerns an illness that transforms people in their sleep. In 'Minor Disasters' by Elise R. Hopkins an environmental catastrophe threatens. 'White Horse' by Kate O'Connor is a beautifully written piece about fears tamed. 'ReMemories' by Nancy S. M. Waldman takes health and safety to a technological extreme. 'The Gunman on the Wall' by Aleksander Volkmar resonates in the current climate of mass refugee migrations. 'The Magister's Clock' by Simon Kewin is about an attempt to steal a magical artefact. 'From Mutsumi' shows the advantages and disadvantages of immortality. 'Making Ends Meet' by Jarod Anderson will get you thinking about things that lie hidden. 'For the Heart I Never had' by Raluca Baksa follows a character who has lost what he thinks gave his life value.
    That's just my take on the stories. When you read them you might well find your interpretation differs and other aspects come to the fore–these are not shallow stories. In addition, the magazine includes interviews and features–and you can read it all FREE online. Visit http://www.fantasyscrollmag.com and enjoy!