I've been engaged on a blogathon. I'm conscious that I haven't been posting here as regularly as I'd like, and how irritating it can be for readers to visit a site and find nothing new. That's why instead of writing one blog for this week, I've written half a dozen to make sure that if life gets in the way of creativity, for the next few weeks I'll still have something fresh to post.
    I hadn't really intended writing more than one when I sat down at the computer, but the ideas kept coming. There are deadlines approaching and maybe I should have got on with something else, but it seemed sensible to make the most of the ideas while they were still new. Getting something written in advance should also give me an opportunity to leave them for a while to see if they need a rewrite. Hopefully, the result will be tightly written, useful and entertaining blogs. There's less chance of me repeating myself too.
    Should anything exciting or time sensitive happen, such as Killing It Softly, the anthology in which my story, 'Graffiti' appears hitting Amazon's bestsellers list, I'll write about it, otherwise in the near future you can anticipate blogs about the merits of classic novels for research, whether submitting to royalty-only anthologies is worth it, whether you should ever respond to rejections, and aliens and humans. That's just for a start!
    To all of this, I can add a further benefit–I now feel extremely virtuous.